Pisces Season is upon us and we are nearing a powerful New Supermoon in the sign of the Fish.
Oozing Creativity and, in many ways, unfiltered emotion, much like the course of Childhood, Pisces harbors challenging components of vulnerability, being easily impressionable and a tad lackadaisical. At least this is the modernization of Pisces in pop cult astrology. Pisces’ penchant for daydreaming has often been focal in rundown trait lists, ignoring its origins as The Oracle. “Oracles are often depicted as child-like figures with the knowledge of ancient wisdom”, bringing to mind NeverEnding Story’s Childlike-Empress, though she seemingly sat in her castle all day to philosophize.
Pisces is a sign of empathy, understanding, a collective compassion, the highest optimization of humanity in Astro form. The Zodiac’s karmic loop ends with this supportive and all-seeing sign, and in many ways Pisces is hard to define. What always comes to mind for me is a return to innocence, with a quiet intuitive wisdom, who reject militant ideas of progress as “better” and remember that the world and nature provide all we could ever need. Pisces is Peace. Pisces is Love.
Though bathed in darkness, the Supermoon’s close proximity to our little home planet Earth reveals strong sensations that can wash over us with intense feelings. Appropriately, emotion is Pisces specific modus operandi.
Aquarius slipped back into its comfortable outer space place while the Sun entered the final phase of the Zodiac, Pisces, on Saturday the 18th. Though Mercury and the end of Saturn’s phase will be hosted by Aqua for the rest of February, we’re welcoming of the serene fluidity that Pisces Season brings. It is a time unblemished by Retrogrades, an ease to find a fresh flow, no longer against the current, but able to create renewed energy towards divine destinations.
Monthly Astro Affirmations from our sister account, Concoctionary
New Moons are known for new intentions and Full Moons function to let go, but either can be used for release and healing. The heavy haze in which we are existing as a society has polluted the pools of hope, a barrage of tragedies worldwide daily. The chaotic and unethical climate of American capitalism, classism and the military industrial complex has produced turmoil unimagined. Repeated traumatic news, along with information suppression, is just one heavy-burdened after-effect associated with hyper-vigilance. We are living in one disaster after another, collectively approaching or already incorporating an End Times mindset. All the more need for Hope, all the more need for Kindness, even in the face of all-powerful industry and wreckage, brutality and control. If this is the End, we may as well choose Love.
2023’s Pisces New Moon may be perfect to clear the cumbersome clouds of despair. Not losing sight of the Truth, no delusions, no denial, but renewing energy for our values and the health of all living things.
We’ve talked before about Pisces and “inner child” work previously and it is a subject we feel is never a one and done. Our “inner child” needs a periodical check-in; Pisces energy is perfect for soothing us when we are sad and scared, despite the Sign’s tendency to sometimes float into these very attributes. Today, take just a small step back and find focus on the kid you once were, who was imaginative and endearing, who created for the sake of creating and connected with others along the way. This New Moon may drain may of us but it encourages embracing rest. Remember your dreams and remember your duplicity.
In Pisces’ artistic and sensitive gifts, the New Supermoon can help us remember our core compassion, nurturing the seeds we need to not only survive but thrive. In our child-like creative selves, not pressured by capitalism or criticism, there is room not only to grow but to give. When we give joy to ourselves, we make room for joy to spread to others. We find solutions in pondering possibilities. We are powerful in our vulnerability when we are open to seeing every angle and processing it in a gentle manner.
This is not to say that we need to ignore the horrors of our reality unfolding around us. It is to say that we may benefit by allowing ourselves to feel our grief and also find our center. If managed, to find the golden threads of goodness that existed in us all when we were small… The Pisces New Moon whispers from the pond to be helpful by conjuring our the purity of our past, before competition, before greed. This Pisces New Moon is an opportunity to be still and reflect, to once again believe that there is a possibility of peace in this life.
From the words of Izzy Ivy’s Oracle cards:
"Our energy is our responsibility, and how we give it away becomes a conscious choice as we step into empowerment. And yes, it is possible to restore the fragments of self we gave away before we came to this awareness. You have the power to own your energy and choose where you direct it. If you are not at your optimal vibration, consider the core of why this may be. Detach from depleting influences, and boost positivity. It is up to you to make the shift. Transform your life by choosing healing and self- empowerment. Kickstart the upward spiral to abundant energy and soul presence."
Main Image by Tita Lopes